
Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Ladies in My Life Part II - Meet The Fex

Let me ask you a question. What do you think of this photo? I can probably guess a few of your answers; Beautiful, creative, artistic, a ten, focused..... Well, you're right! You can probably derive a lot of meanings from the same photo, ss you can see the bigger spirals that lead to the smaller spirals (Bear with me I'll get back to this). Almost all the adjectives and meanings you guys just thought of (the good ones ;) ), describe the person who took this photo.

Today, meet a very good friend of mine

Jennifer Xavier (Jenny, Jennifex, The Fex)

The reason this post has taken long to come, is partly because I've been writing it over n over in my head. Trying to make sure it comes out just perfect. I realized I may never actually do it, so I decided to just go ahead and post it!

Niren would bear witness to the fact that I wanted to be friends with Jenny the first day I saw her on one of the choir easter photos. I hadn't joined the choir then (see now why I joined the choir? ;) hehehe... kidding). This is because I was mesmerized by one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. (remember those photo adjectives we started with?). Jenny has one of the most beautiful, warm and welcoming smiles you've ever seen! It just draws you to her... lol!

My friendship with Jenny has grown with time! I've come to know Jenny as loving, caring, smart, intelligent, very creative and a tough girl (No one pushes Jenny around easily). But of course, behind the tough Jenny, there's a very soft and kind heart, very expressive. She gives a lot and while she doesn't expect the same back, she expects to be treated with respect, treated like a lady and as a true friend. She treasures her friends very much! Remember the big spirals, small spirals from the photo? Jenny's willing to stretch her hand out (big spirals) to help and support those who are close to her (the close small spirals). She can do anything for her friends! She has at times gone out of her way to see how she can help her friends, even if they've not thought bout it. And she loves being listened to and always hopes that her ideas would be taken up swiftly. (Doesn't always work out, hehehe)

Jenny has always stood firm on the decisions we've made and always makes it a point to make sure we all live up to them (Difficult task she's taken, when people like me are involved). I've always enjoyed discussing ideas with her, because she'll always listen no matter how crazy they are, and humbly offer her opinion. And who would forget her famous saying "How these children are brought up?", when we (me very rarely), have decided to act completely nuts! Sometimes she bears with us though ;)!

Jenny's been a faithful member of the Loyola English Choir. She's extremely dedicated to the choir and she's always interested in what we can do to improve our singing. She was instrumental in the Christmas Concert we held last year for the aged! Her dream's to play one instrument one day, the guitar or the keyboard. Hope she will!

Is she any good with the violin? Mh...

Jenny, incidentally, holds an important record (as far as my life's concerned). She's the only friend I've fought with a lot! I've fought with my friends before, but Jenny just tops that list of number of fights, by far! I'd bet it's because we are good friends, and sometimes expect a lot from each other (like friends normally do), or don't expect our friends to let us down. With each fight I experienced what I've come to call "The Silence Treatment"; this is when Jenny decides that you need sometime off from talking to her. (You don't wanna experience it :) ). I wouldn't say I regret the fights. They've been a great opportunity for me to know this wonderful, beautiful lady! And I can surely say I enjoyed trying to convince her talk to me again, because it took the best out of me (She's worth it). From words to poetry (the poems never actually reached her because she usually started to speak to me again while the poems were halfway through). From using people, to using other people's mobile phones just to see how she's doing! What's important here is that I've learnt, over time, to be more sensitive to her feelings. But not only hers, also those of my other friends!

Finally, A short poem for you

Be it your kind heart,
Or your desire to be right,
You've always been the friend,
We enjoyed our time to spend

Be it your beautiful smile,
Or your amazing sense of style,
You've always been the light,
That which shines out bright!

Be it the silence treatment,
Or the fact that you're impatient :P,
We'll always love you,
And that is true!

Jenny's working for and if she hasn't received an award for best-employee or a promotion, well, it's coming. She works pretty hard, and she's extremely dedicated!

Extremely Dedicated :p
To top it all up, Jenny's a very fun loving person!!!!

And yes, I know, I know you're all wondering, she's maaaaaaadly in love!

See what I mean? ;)

Wish you all the best Jenny, in all walks of life! Amor Siempre (Spanish) Jenny! :)

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