
Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Hug

It was late in the evening, a little dark but for the lights that came from the shops near by. It was at the bus stop, where she had gone to say farewell to visitors, who like me, had earlier come to say hello to her, as she had returned that early evening! She finally saw me across the road and if it were not for the speed bump just before where she crossed, she may have been hit by the car that was approaching her! My first guess was that she was running to give way to the car, but like a Crescendo, that adds such beautiful expression to a musical piece, she ran even faster as she came near me. Yes, she was running towards me! I had missed her, terribly, she had missed me too! One of us played the cool guy and stood, stood firm to prepare for the impact, he was actually nervous, while one of us threw herself at this cool guy and hugged him, ever so lovingly and with loads of care! She didn’t care who was watching! She hugged me so long and so tight, she knew I had missed that hug of hers! And as my head was buried in her long, braided hair, my mind went back to those very simple, silly questions that I keep asking myself! “She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not…” But even more importantly, “I love her, I love her not, I love her, I love her not…”  What will happen? Well, even I don’t know, only time will tell!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Glady

Happy Birthday Glady! Missing you much dude!

I decided to take this time to write a little something about Glady!

Gladwin Lawrence (Glady, Father, Rocket Shorts Glady)

Well, to be honest, I didn't like Glady at first! (It's a bad attitude I have, not easily warming up to people). Our friendship has taken time to mature and has grown very strong! Perhaps it was when we had to work on Business Math together! Through time, we've become stronger, advising each other on various issues!

What I like about Glady is his straightforwardness! Glady's one of those people who openly criticized me and was ready to talk out issues whenever we needed to! He's also done a good job in advising me about my dad and forgiveness (Issues, to which have I hardened my heart, hehehe)

I admire Glady's sense of responsibility! Loyola's prayer group was made quite active by Glady! He also stands firmly by the decisions we make,  and works hard to reach his goals and the choir's goal! I do appreciate all room visits!

We call him Father Glady, because one of the issues that has always been on Glady's mind is whether or not to be a priest! Perhaps he has a calling or perhaps just too many people have told him that he looks priestly. As they say, Vox Populi, Vox Dei (The Voice of People is the voice of God)! But as many important decisions in our lives, I hope he takes time to think things through before he decides on any particular way of life!

As for the name Rocket Shorts, well, that's for another day! ; ) : P

All the best buddy, hope you're work's going well!


More photos of Glady will be posted soon!

All Is Well, All Is Well

Thank you for all your prayers! Mum's operation went well and she's quickly recovering! We spent the morning, afternoon and evening with her! The moment I learnt of the good news, I thought of the following songs, so those lovers of choral music like me, do enjoy! One titled All Is Well, and another Sweet Hour Of Prayer, as an appreciation for all your prayers, which meant a lot to me and my family. God bless you!

Sweet Hour of Prayer

Come, come ye saints (All is well)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mum's Surgery

The doctor had hoped that by today, my mum's blood count would've increased. That's what has been keeping her from surgery. He prefers operating with patients' own blood! He had given her medication for about 3 weeks. That was after all other health problems were rulled out and fibroids identified as the main problem. However, due to the position of the fibroids, it's become difficult for the blood count to increase. Upon meeting the doctor today, he immediately admitted her, got some blood transfused and we got word just this evening, that she'll be operated on Thursday, at 8.00 am, (GMT + 3 hours).

Do keep us in your prayers!

Monday, August 2, 2010

By The Way

By the way people, as a blogger, I'd appreciate it if you comment or like on the posts I have! Not necessary, don't do it if it takes much of your time! I've made it possible for you to show your reaction or rate a post! Remember, NOT NECESSARY!


My Amnesia

Yes, I have amnesia! Hahaha!

About a month has passed and only now am I getting to remember some things, some friends! It really amazes me how many things and even people I had forgotten. I had forgotten that I had fought with some people (I guess that was a good thing), that I had close friendships with so many of them! I had forgotten how much the Small Christian Community mattered to me, how I used to attend every meeting (I haven't attended one since I reached)! etc. It's only as I meet people, recall memories, receive gifts that I remember just how many friends I had!

I have, however, kept faithful to somethings! Though I'm not the good singer I used to be (I simply suck), I've rejoined the choir. It was one of those things that I couldn't wait to do! We have practice on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! Since my return, our teacher (conductor), hasn't been turning up on Mondays, so I decided to take that day up and teach some new simple songs from music sheets that I could read! This sunday we sang one song that I taught! It's mainly St. Ignatius words, "In all things to love and to serve!", in Swahili! I plan to improve my music too! Hopefully I'll manage! It's been my dream to conduct a choir one day! Maybe it's the dream in the making! This sunday "Yesu Kristu Mungu wangu". Remember it guys?

The other thing I've kept faithful to is the youth group. I'm getting myself involved, it's not as it used to be! A lot of people have moved from the area I live, so the group is relatively smaller! However, number is never the issue, it's about working together and doing our best!

I have not found a job yet. It's because I've not been looking! I'm currently fully at home! I hang around and give mum company! I was going to the city center to work with my uncle, however, she showed that she likes having me around! So I stay with her! Will keep you posted how she's doing! She's doing ok though! I do work from home, designing a website with my uncle!

I'm still single! My wisdom has told me to be patient! Well, I haven't been meeting people, because I'm mostly in the house, but most of them were in the Universities and Colleges, writing their final exams, so they were busy, maybe now I may get a chance to meet them. There are prospective ladies, but lets not have very high expectations  ;)

Last words, I've gained weight, owing to my staying home!

And Shrayas, I've found someone else to infect my songs with, my young cousin bro, JB, now sings sweet potatoes as he roams through the corridor!

Shrayas, Congrats on your move! All the best mate!

Choir, I miss yo!

