
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Old Flames And Crushes

When you've had a couple of crushes and maybe relationships... Once a while (at least I personally did), we are tempted to just reach out to those Old Flames... We (or at least I believed), that nothing could happen. Maybe we (I thought) think, we're too good to fall... Before you start wondering, I've not fallen! 

Digging deeper into the Old Flames and Crushes issue, I realize how probably risky it is to involve one with them, beyond certain limits. A simple greeting would do. When you're in a committed relationship, Old Flames should be turned to ashes... Crushes, should be crushed... Commit yourself to that one person. Wanna chat? Chat with her (him) or only with "safe" friends. Wanna go out? Go out with her (him).

When you're ex or crush is in a committed relationship, why not respect that? Give them a break... Be not a source of temptation

I guess what I'm trying to say is, when you're seriously into a relationship, don't take it for granted... Treasure it, be honest, and enjoy the happiness that will surely come!

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