
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WAGS - Wives And Girlfriends

Well, there are no actual Wives, but girlfriends! Hehehe! I've always wanted to use that word! Today I’m going to speak about two ladies, Prasanavika (Prasu) or more known more famously as Meow, and Natalie (Natty). These girls, my girls (we’ll get to this, hehehe), were Shrayas’ and Alfred Lazarus’ girlfriends (respectively). The reason I call them my girls, is because, well, they both secretly had love affairs with MOI … Muhahahahaha! (That’s supposed to be an evil laugh)

This sweet girl belongs to Shrayas (and me of course). These two have known each other since primary school I believe and they’re now dating. I’m sorry I’ve forgotten how old your relationship is. Meow is doing her Electrical Electronical Engineering I believe, and she’s among the top in her class! Meow has a deep, a bit coarse and super sexy voice that makes you wanna talk to her whenever she’s one the phone. (No wonder Shrayas never picks up calls at night, even though he’s sees that your call is waiting). There’s probably not much I can write about Meow, because I’ve never really spent much time with her, but from the efforts that I’ve seen my man Shrayas  making to make this girl happy, I can tell she’s special and nice… Shrayas and Meow hope to marry one day and make babies XD! I wish them all the best in that! (p.s. to meow… I’m coming soon baby and we’ll elope)

Meow, my princess!!!

Meow and Shrayas!

This lovely girl belongs to Alfy (and yes, you got it right, Me :) ). I believe Natty and Alfy met each other, either through a gamers or artists meeting. Not quite sure how long ago that was and they’ve loved each other ever since. What’s perhaps unique about this couple is that Natty is older than Alfy (Which is a plus for me of course, as I’m older than Natty). Despite the age thing, these guys still manage to stay together as a healthy couple, I guess it does say a lot about Alfy’s maturity. Natty is a great artist! I’ve seen some of her best work live and also on Facebook! She’s good at designing and drawing! Looking at this couple, I can’t stop thinking that Natty is the naughty one. Well, it’s because she’s pretty straight forward, bold and knows what she wants! Boy I love those qualities in a lady! I keep praying that this couple too, just like I do for Meow and Shrayas get married and make babies XD!

Presenting Natalie

Alfy and Natalie!

Perhaps the one thing that I wish is that I got to spend more time with these ladies! They were a great source of happiness and a little distraction once a while to my best friends! It’s a pleasure knowing you, hopefully we’ll learn more about each other!

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