
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed - Introducing Peter

Have you ever had those moments, where you're extremely troubled and you feel lost? If you're a growing adult, or even a grown person, you most probably have! There are many ways of dealing with this, some people pray, some people think so hard until they come up with some solution, some just continue worrying... etc! I, have a slightly different approach! I like to talk, I like to emote and open up to someone! 

I had initially felt this was probably due my 'grown up baby' behaviour, but I soon came to realize, it actually made a lot of sense! For someone like me, who has a lot of friends older than him/her, there's a probable chance that those friends have, at one time or another, gone through the same or similar situation... And have drawn from it experiences that I could benefit for if I choose to talk to them!

Today, I was troubled! Actually I've been troubled for a while! (Details of what was troubling me, shall remain un-mentioned) I had sent my friend, Peter a text just expressing my situation. He took the trouble to find me and talk to me! You know what the funny thing is, as I was struggling to find the words to explain to Peter what I was going through, I realized just how much extra-worried I was! I was simply overdoing it! Suddenly, the weight of the world I thought I was carrying was greatly reduced! Talking to Peter even made it more clear that I was just going through a normal phase of a young growing adult! It made me feel good and ready to tackle life once again. Thanks Peter!

Knowing Peter
from Right (seated) Peter, Terence
p.s. for the record, I wasn't wearing a red pant, it was part of the costume I was wearing! 

Now, Peter and I know each other from very long! I do not remember the exact year that we began to work together for the youth in my parish! But I do remember that we were both driven by a great to change and make things better! In fact, it is what brought us together! When we decided to take charge of our youth's Zone (A zone consists youths from 4 small christian communities that are nearby), we found that we both had the same ideas and desires to lead youth to Christ! We've never looked back and we've been good friends ever since (Even our Mothers share the same name, Lilian). 

Peter and I are almost alike in character. We share the same ideas, similar likings, similar attitude, we even almost like the same kind of girls! And a girl who likes Peter, would most always also like Me and Vice Versa!  Hehehehe! Ok, ok, he's more handsome than me, so he's got more girls around him!

What I like about Peter, is that despite our age difference (Which is obviously not apparent in that photo above), he still treats me with respect, listens to me, my advice! I do likewise, I try to do likewise!
But perhaps, I couldn't put it better myself than Imma did, she said, "Peter loves you a lot, he cares for you, he's a good friend". Which leaves me wondering if Peter's girlfriend would say the same about me... Hope to be a better friend!

Here's to Peter!

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome Terence! I really appreciate what you were explaining above.. I don't know what exactly i can write here but lets me try this...
    "There is no dearth of friends in this world but finding a true friend is really difficult. A lot of people will possess that I have hundreds of friends but when he/she is in trouble how many of the them will extend a helpful hand. True friends always remains friend but opportunists are your friend only when you are physically, mentally and economically sound. Friends always keep changing. How many friends stay in touch with changes of place. You have friends in your primary school but when you leave and move to secondary school you forget these friends and make new friends. Likewise, when you leave school or college you move to join your work place you get new friends and forget old friends. Only few friends stay in touch with changing place and time. What does it show? In fact this is not friendship this is an arrangement to share things, to share work. Most of the time we make friends with some purpose. True friendship needs compromises, sacrifices and helping attitude towards each other. However, friendship is other form of love. It is in no terms less than love. If you have true friendship you will love your friend more, but this world is materialistic so first test and evaluate then go ahead with friendship. People are really lucky who find good friends."
