
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Countdown Continues: 2 Weeks to go!

My ticket says: "I'll leave Madras at 0445 on the 29th of June"

Yesterday was one of those days I felt like dancing (A rare thing in my life)... The song that kept ringing in my mind was "I feel good - James Brown"

I got my ticket yesterday! Everything kept going according to my plan! And I got some good compliments from my boss(if i may call him that), and an interesting new friend of mine (she actually cares about what and how I dress) ~to be introduced later~. Perhaps that is what kept me happy the entire day!

Up until now, I've introduced my friends chronologically, i.e. in the order (time) in which I met them. I do hope none of you have felt left out or forgotten! But there's not much time! So here i go on my journey to introduce my other friends and sharing my experiences!

News: my mum's doing much better, recovering!

Now I love music. I like singing, especially in a 4 part choir. Y'all know that by now. So, when I got a chance to sing, especially in a four part choir, I took it! It was the E-ministry choir! The E-ministry choir did a christmas concert in December of 2007, and most of the Christmas songs (carols) we sang were classicals. In English and other languages such as Tamil, Malayalam and even German! I met and made a lot of friends here, but one that I came to be very close with is Prakash Savariappa. Now, I sang with Niren, Steve and Alfred. But those have already been introduced. (keep this concert in mind, something else was born from it)

Prakash Savariappa: The wise guy
Prakash means light! I think they couldn't have chosen a better name for this guy! Praki radiates light wherever he goes. No, he doesn't have a glow around his body, he's no angel (Believe me ;) )! I, have personally felt, that Prakash's presence is a source of joy. I always prepare myself for a treat of wisdom, laughter and understanding when this guy comes around! He'll almost always be late. He'll come rushing, and drop the most hilarious story to rationalize why he was late! (Busted Praki, we all know you now)! He's also one of those guys that gets my jokes and I get his too!

We call Prakash, Praki or King Mokkai! It takes a lot to be a king, and Prakash has proven to us, in more ways than one, that he's the one! He has conquered a lot on his path to being King, consider the likes of Alfred Sundarraj! I mean, there's not a situation in this life that Praki can't change into a mokkai! Even when you least expect it, this guy will drop it, the mokkai! But I guess that's why I enjoy his company!

You're probably wondering why I call him the wise guy! Yes, good question! As sarcastic as it sounds, I actually mean it! Well, most of the time Prakash and I do get a chance to spend time to catch up on what's going on in our lives. I've always found Prakash to be an enlightening person! He has a way of pulling the facts out of situations! He has a way of making you understand things in a perspective you never saw it! I thank him for all he's made me realize! Whenever I need to emote, he's one of those friends I speak to!

I now know that Praki's extremely happy! Well, he has a great Job, working for the Aditya Birla Group as an HRM (I hope I'm not mistaken)! And he has found love! (All you need is love)! I'm happy for him, and I wish him all the best! May God Bless you dude! May the joy you give out return to you a hundred fold!

Probably anyone who says they've grown up, still has a lot of growing up to do! But that won't keep me from sharing what I think! I've grown up! I'm still young, yes, too young, but I've grown up! Part of my growth I believe would not have been possible had I been back home! It all comes with having friends who are older than you, it makes you feel you're all grown up, and you forget to do your own growing! Not that I'm saying I wasn't growing, I was! And my friends, being older than I am, shared their wisdom with me! They guided me!

Coming to India has changed that! It was good to have friends who were mostly younger than me, it reminded me of youthful life! It was fun and it was a good opportunity to explore who Terence really was! I've actually known more about myself now that I've been here! It has been a journey of self discovery!

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