
Saturday, June 5, 2010


Well, to start of, let me explain the reason for these series of entries! I decided that on each day (yeah, I've fallen behind lately), I'll have an entry, explaining an experience, a lesson i learnt throughout my stay in India. Aim is to be done with everything by the time I leave (hope I do)

Well, today, I shall dedicate this entry to Sam, John and Zaka. These guys are among the best friends I've had. The reason I'm dedicating this to them is because they have recently left and gone back home. Sam and John, to Zambia, left yesterday, Zaka, to Tanzania left the day before yesterday!

With these brothers I've shared some of the funniest, challenging and interesting moments. These guys have made me laugh the most. From Zaka's problems with his memory, to Tole's crazy imaginations, to John's philosophical phrases... To a lot! The support these guys have given me is immense and their friendship I shall forever cherish!

Perhaps a lot more meaningful, was the fact that these were the first really people I had to live with like they were my siblings. Being an only child, I had to learn a lot, from sharing my things to tolerating other people's way of life! They've contributed to my growing up!!!

Finally, My entry has reminded me of another countdown. This countdown was initiated by John on one of our chats well before college had begun for us, first year. This countdown had 1095 days (365 * 3), that is, the number of days to finish college. It indicated the anxiety we had, and the impatience that made us want to go home! Well, I'm glad to say that the countdown has long been forgotten. With time we got accustomed to this place, we got friends, and the days just swift by!

All the best bros!!!

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