
Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well, before I start with today's entry, let me share with you some information! My results came out yesterday. I've passed very well. Got a first class, with distinction! I'm proud of myself, though not that much excited by the whole deal! ;-) .

My mum's still not very well! They've discharged her from the hospital, but she still has to go for tests on Monday, and she has to attend clinic for the next month, or is it next month, it wasn't very clear to me! I've this feeling I'm not being told everything! Do pray for her well being!

Before I start sharing the lesson I've learnt, today I'd like to honor a few people I met earlier! These are the first few, of many, Indian friends I made. My seniors (From TZ), had made a lot of friends, so as college was reopening, they began coming back to the hostel, and came to meet us. I did meet a loooooooot of people, however, I shall mention a few, who came out to be my best friends later. The list consists of Alfred Sundarraj, Steve Salvius and Niren Yadav! There are many others!

Alfred, this humble, funny, kind soul is one heck of a guy! I've been amazed with his generosity and humility! There's a lot I've been through with him, his support has been immense and much appreciated! He's the best person to make you feel at home among a group of strangers and a good singer too! I wish the best in him as he aims higher in life, may God bless him abundantly

Steve is one of the most creative, funny and great musicians I've met. Steve's also kind and very giving and dedicated to whatever he puts his mind to. Currently working at UBS (or is it USB ... lol) and doing great! I've not managed to spend time with Steve this year, as he graduated last year! I and the choir have surely missed his presence and sense of humor! Hope to see him one more time before I leave! God bless him!

Niren, the young one had an amazing sense of humor too, great at making and organizing plans, great MC too! I surely admit, I've missed all the planning he used to make for various events and food outings! He's currently in Mumbai, pursuing his studies and I believe working as an intern! Wishing him all the best in life and career, may God bless him!

The lesson I'd like to share with you today, isn't really something new, but rather something that's been said before! Once you experience it, it is registered! The lesson is, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! Yes, our forefathers were right in saying this! Not telling or not living the truth will lead to a life of anxiety and fear! It'll lead us to hating people and being angry at them for no reason! Personal experience has led me to understand that the truth is a very powerful tool! If you're broke, say you're broke! If you're not comfortable with someone or something, say that you're not! If you can't make it for something, tell it! If you cannot promise, then don't! And if you love someone, tell them (Mh!!!)! The list goes on and on! But basically, these encompass the most situations I've faced!

As I said, the truth is a powerful tool! It may, however, not always work as we expected it to work! But all in all, I still believe it's for the best! I mean, although they said truth will set you free, our forefathers were also careful to warn us in advance, THE TRUTH HURTS! May I correct them a bit and say, THE TRUTH MAY HURT :)! It may hurt the truther or the truthee or both the truther and the truthee! It may strengthen friendships, or it may weaken them! It may win her/his heart, or it may push it away (ouch)! It may bring us glory and trust, but it may also make us look like cowards! But ultimately, we're free! We don't hold grudges, we are no longer anxious! We are at peace! We just have to hope, therefore, that others will realize our truth and respect us for telling it! In most cases they do, and that's what is great about THE TRUTH!

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