
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Countdown Countinues: 18 days to go + Blog gets new look! (Today, Meet the man behind the change)

Well, as you've all seen, my blog has a new look! Hope you'll find it nicer! The man behind the change, well you'll know him soon!

But first Some news:

Mum's doing great! Thanks for your prayers! Spoke to her, she thanked you all for your prayers! Greetings to you all!

It is now confirmed, I'm leaving India on the 29 th (or 28 th) of June, depending on what mummy says! so we almost have an official countdown now! 18 (or 17) days to go!

Remember that other story I told you about in the last post! Well, it's about to unveil today! I'll start where I left off! In class, I sat with Alfy in the first bench, to be able to easily communicate with the teachers! A couple of benches back, sat another pair! This pair consisted of Shrayas and Jerry!

Shrayas: The man behind the blog's new look!

Now, in India, whenever a professor asks a question in class, the whole class will start giving answers, no one being actually specific :)! However, there were some questions that the professor would ask and only one guy would answer, that was Shrayas! I admired this guy, but He seemed so stuck up! (He is, to strangers though)! I remember he always attempted to fold his legs and somehow put them on the bench! Unlike most of my other classmates, this was the one guy who never said hello or even smiled!

Well, one day, the professor had to take leave. And he sent us all to the library to read about something! I think it was a sorting algorithm! And I went to the library, sat down, followed the guys around to see if they could help me, but found no one who could! Then I sat down, and near me was this guy, Shrayas, standing there, doing nothing! I assumed, and I soon learnt that my assumption was correct, that he already knew what we were supposed to be reading about! So as we say in Swahili "Kuuliza si ujinga" ~ It's never foolish to ask, I humbled myself and asked Shrayas if he knew exactly what we were supposed to do! He answered yes, and started to explain enthusiastically the entire thing! Which made quite a lot of sense. From then, we became friends! Connected by our thirst to code and know stuff! I've learnt a lot from this guy, in some cases, more than I've learnt from some of my professors! What took my professors one or two full classes to make us understand, he took 5 to 10 minutes to get me up to speed!

Shrayas knows very little people he calls friends, perhaps it's his 'ATTITUDE' issues! Lol! But the friends he has he treasures dearly! He's the kinda guy who can cry if you hurt him! Sometimes, however, he acts too tough but he's just one very emotional kid! He has played the greater role of being the glue of our friendship! Always pushing us to do stuff for each other, you know on birthdays n stuff! Shrayas and Alfy are the guys who I always fought with for the top spot in class! It was never really a competition, it came naturally I guess! We were (are) simply smart! All of us, at least at one point, have had the top spot! I believe Shrayas beat us all ultimately!

Shrayas and I have worked on a number of projects together with Alfred and Jerry! It has always been fun to work together! We've learnt a lot, about each other and about our studies!

Shrayas is going to work / study at SAP - System Analysis and Programming! A German Based Company! The place he's going to work, in Bangalore, is known as the second biggest SAP institution in the world! Gotta say, this guy would fit right in! I wish him all the best!

Oh yeah, as best friends as we are, Shrayas gets my jokes 10 minutes later :P!

Jerry: aka Nithyananda (The Flash Guy):
Jerry or Nithyananda or Jerrence, you choose! Is another one of my best friends! As i slowly knew Shrayas, I also knew Jerry! Jerry is one sweet, creative guy! Jerry's short and wears specs! He has a slightly dark complexition! We call him Nithyananda because of his tendency to always "FLY" and go hang around his girls (One of which he dearly likes)! Plus, most of his friends are girls! Hahaha! Heard of Flash? It's one of Adobe's Multimedia tools, used to make dynamic pages and animations! Well, this guy is a genius! He can do wonders in only a couple of minutes! Jerry has a simple outlook to life! Jerry's funny and kind, and I believe he's one of those guys who can take care of you in case you've any problems or issues! (Atleast he helps the girls ;))

Jerry has been part of our crew! He's always surfing among the top 5 to 7 in class! Recently he has had companies fighting for him (No not girls, companies)! This is because of the flash he knows! I wish him all the best in the new company he's working in! I also wish him all the best in the pursuit of happiness and the girl of his dreams, whom before he even knew it, we knew he had fallen for! Take care buddy, be good!


I thought of sharing nothing for today! But, what the heck:

PUNCTUALITY: If you've to go somewhere, and it's extremely time sensitive, make sure you're ready to leave atleast one hour before the actual timing (if it's near) even earlier if it far! Or you might just end up chasing the train, like I did and almost falling as I jumped on it! But that's another story! I'm late somewhere ;)

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