
Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Countdown Continues: And then there was one more day!

My ticket says: "It shall take me 5.40 hours to fly from Doha to Dar es Salaam International Airport"

Vow: "Realising I cannot chase the plane up the runway, I vow to be early to the airport and not miss my flight!"

There's a lot to write!

Well, my apologies for my long silence. I've been running around Chennai, trying to make sure I finish my work! I've also been trying to meet you all before I leave! It's not been easy! What has happened at the end all the days is that I'm usually extremely tired and sleep almost immediately!

This entry shall move away from tradition a bit! I'll let u know what I've been up to in the last couple of days:

My Ariyallur trip:
Last weekend I went to visit Prakash in Ariyallur! We had a nice time! Met his friends and was given a tour around! I also saw a recently released Tamil Movie Raavanan! The movie was sexy! Praki n I went to visit the The Big (or is it large) Tanjore temple! It was surely a beautiful treat! (Part of the reason I've had a lot more running around to do, ;) ). Won't explain everything here, I'll let the photos speak!:

My College Friends bid me farewell:
Well, t was quite sweet! These guys actually set aside time and called me at one of my friends house (Extremely sexy place). We had fun, catching up with classmates, eating, watching movies, and singing along with Natalie. Thank you guys, that was great! Again, some photos!

The Conspirito bid me farewell:
Well, there wasn't really practice scheduled for that day, but i thought it'd be nice if i meet the group one more time! Well, it was quite a nice meeting... lots of mixed emotions! Lots of talk about how the group came about, what it's been through, the current face-lift, my possible return to India, etc! They gave me a nice gift too! See a photo of me tryin it out! We finally ended with a Swahili song i partly taught them. Oh,yeah, that was after Francis' Mother prayed for me! Felt really special!

The Choir Bids me farewell!
Well, twas after college hours on Monday that I met these guys... Led by Jenny (patience, your post is coming). We met at NRC! Unfortunately, because i didn't carry my camera with me, I won't have any pics of them here. However, i did have a nice time spending my last few hours in India, with a group i've spent most of my time with. Plus, what can beat Jenny's smile sitting right opposite to me... lol! My apologies to all though, i was quite tensed! May not have been the best company!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Countdown Continues: Unfortunate Events

My apologies faithful followers of my blog! A series of unfortunate events has made it extremely difficult to post on the blog... Believe me... I've been upset! I feel the world is conspiring against me!

A friend of mine, Shrayas, wrote something about me, he calls it "Terribute", you may want to read it Read Terribute.

I shall post soon!

Wishing you a lovely day :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Countdown Continues: The ladies in my life - Part I

My ticket says: "I'll be in transit at Doha for 1.15 hours"

Vow: "I vow to have all my clothes cleaned well before the night of the trip"

Until 10 minutes ago, I was going to Ariyallur (Somewhere near Thanjavur, Alfred Sundarraj's Place), however, my host suggested I leave a little later, so I'll leave tomorrow morning. That gave me a chance however, to write another post!
I know, I know, I've broken one of the cardinal rules, i.e. Ladies First! And the ladies in my life have actually talked to me, demanding an explanation (typical ain't it). But for them, I'd like to quote the following "Save the best for last!". So patience ladies, just a little patience! ;)

Today, meet Jinu (more famously known as Jinju):

Well, this beautiful lady is one of the closest lady friends I've had here in India! Perhaps I like her because, well, she sleeps a lot, and talks a lot too! Which makes her kind of interesting, coz sleeping is like one of the things I enjoy doing and well, I don't talk much, so some one has to! Jinu just fits perfectly! lol!

Here's part of a chat I had with Jinu recently:

"hey its life embrace it. Trust me, actually no, trust in the Lord n He will guide ur path. Lean nt on ur own understanding... in all of ur ways acknowledge Jesus and He will make ur path straight"

Well, that there is one of the reasons Jinu's one of my favorite girls! When she's not sleeping, Jinu's one of my favorite advisers! She has a way of making me feel great, whenever I'm down or guilty! She has made me accept the fact that no one is perfect (Yes, especially not me, lol!). Jinu's extremely supportive too! We always, in our occasional chat sessions, try to figure out stuff about life, studies, relationships, etc.

Along with that, Jinu's a girl with a very strong faith! Her faith and trust in the Lord (Jesus Christ) is something I admire always! She's one of those people I look at and say, I wish I had faith like her! I envy her! I admire the way she prays and always involves God in her life and decisions! Jinu's also an amazingly great singer! She has a very strong voice! Jinu also shows her faith during singing, you see that she's actually singing from the bottom of her heart! I Always wanted to do a duet with her (never got a chance :( ), perhaps someday in the future!

Jinu Singing :)

Even before I met Jinu, I always admired her! Her fast-paced, confidence filled walk, And I was like, who's that girl??? lol! I finally met Jinu as I joined Loyola Choir (Thus the reference to the singing)! She's fun, sweet! It's funny how she starts talking like a kid when she speaks to her parents (ok, a little confession here, even I do, but only when I'm alone with my mum, ;) )

She's also a great social worker. And she's told me once that Her aim's to do all that's in her ability to help the poor, the oppressed n needy! She's got the intellect, she's got the courage! She can, I'm sure bring the changes n do the work she aspires to do!

Jinu just finished writing her IAS exams (did I Get that right?). She awaits her results, and she's currently working! Jinu has also recently found love, and she's extremely happy! Gotta admit, she's dating a great guy ;)! I wish her all the best in all her endeavors and life as she goes through life and aims to serve the society!

Jinu, I hope I did u justice ;)!

p.s. Jinu is the one who suggested I post pictures of my friends too as I write about them! So, here u go! Don't worry, everyone's picture will be put up soon!

AN EXPERIENCE TO SHARE: Sometimes we just have to be selfish, sometimes we just have to break hearts!
Now, I'm not a heart breaker, nor am I selfish! I have however, been in situations, this year especially, when I've had to become a little selfish and I've had to break hearts! There have been situations when I was just too tired (Final year was challenging), to help anyone. There have been times, when I've had to back down from trips we (My friends and I) took a lot of time planning! Perhaps I needed time to rest, or I needed time to work, perhaps I needed time to myself! Apart from that, having two groups of friends meant sometimes, my choices were never easy! I'm sure most of you have experienced this! Sometimes, no matter how we try, somethings are just planned on the same date by both groups of friends! So yes, sometimes we do have to be selfish, and sometimes we do have to break hearts! It's sad, but true! We just hope that our friends find it in their hearts to forgive us!

The Countdown Continues: Admit One - Conquered

My ticket says: "It'll take me 4.25 hours to reach Doha"

Today I had another long day! Went to Chengalpettu! Nice time! I shall share with you something I've been involved with for quite some time! Admit One!

Admit One is a project. It's a step towards computerizing Loyola College's Admission's Process. Admit One is an application, a Web Application, running on PHP and MySQL. This project is what has kept me busy throughout May and June! We have recently finished it (conquered it), and we're preparing reports so that the project can be easily managed later! Admit One was /will be used mainly by the college officials and the HODs of the various departments!

My Social Interaction has been interesting too. For the first time I've had to break a lot of hearts! I've disappointed a lot of my friends by pulling no shows etc. I was simply too busy! It was also sad because most of them had gone home for holidays, so I had no one to talk to either! :( I became a bit inhuman I think! But I've also made new friends, in the likes of Jude (great guy), Banu (great lady) strengthened old ones, especially in the likes of Shrayas and Vivek (the lazy one).

It has been a long day, and I'm very sleepy today, so I shall stop here today! Love y'all

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Countdown Continues: 2 Weeks to go!

My ticket says: "I'll leave Madras at 0445 on the 29th of June"

Yesterday was one of those days I felt like dancing (A rare thing in my life)... The song that kept ringing in my mind was "I feel good - James Brown"

I got my ticket yesterday! Everything kept going according to my plan! And I got some good compliments from my boss(if i may call him that), and an interesting new friend of mine (she actually cares about what and how I dress) ~to be introduced later~. Perhaps that is what kept me happy the entire day!

Up until now, I've introduced my friends chronologically, i.e. in the order (time) in which I met them. I do hope none of you have felt left out or forgotten! But there's not much time! So here i go on my journey to introduce my other friends and sharing my experiences!

News: my mum's doing much better, recovering!

Now I love music. I like singing, especially in a 4 part choir. Y'all know that by now. So, when I got a chance to sing, especially in a four part choir, I took it! It was the E-ministry choir! The E-ministry choir did a christmas concert in December of 2007, and most of the Christmas songs (carols) we sang were classicals. In English and other languages such as Tamil, Malayalam and even German! I met and made a lot of friends here, but one that I came to be very close with is Prakash Savariappa. Now, I sang with Niren, Steve and Alfred. But those have already been introduced. (keep this concert in mind, something else was born from it)

Prakash Savariappa: The wise guy
Prakash means light! I think they couldn't have chosen a better name for this guy! Praki radiates light wherever he goes. No, he doesn't have a glow around his body, he's no angel (Believe me ;) )! I, have personally felt, that Prakash's presence is a source of joy. I always prepare myself for a treat of wisdom, laughter and understanding when this guy comes around! He'll almost always be late. He'll come rushing, and drop the most hilarious story to rationalize why he was late! (Busted Praki, we all know you now)! He's also one of those guys that gets my jokes and I get his too!

We call Prakash, Praki or King Mokkai! It takes a lot to be a king, and Prakash has proven to us, in more ways than one, that he's the one! He has conquered a lot on his path to being King, consider the likes of Alfred Sundarraj! I mean, there's not a situation in this life that Praki can't change into a mokkai! Even when you least expect it, this guy will drop it, the mokkai! But I guess that's why I enjoy his company!

You're probably wondering why I call him the wise guy! Yes, good question! As sarcastic as it sounds, I actually mean it! Well, most of the time Prakash and I do get a chance to spend time to catch up on what's going on in our lives. I've always found Prakash to be an enlightening person! He has a way of pulling the facts out of situations! He has a way of making you understand things in a perspective you never saw it! I thank him for all he's made me realize! Whenever I need to emote, he's one of those friends I speak to!

I now know that Praki's extremely happy! Well, he has a great Job, working for the Aditya Birla Group as an HRM (I hope I'm not mistaken)! And he has found love! (All you need is love)! I'm happy for him, and I wish him all the best! May God Bless you dude! May the joy you give out return to you a hundred fold!

Probably anyone who says they've grown up, still has a lot of growing up to do! But that won't keep me from sharing what I think! I've grown up! I'm still young, yes, too young, but I've grown up! Part of my growth I believe would not have been possible had I been back home! It all comes with having friends who are older than you, it makes you feel you're all grown up, and you forget to do your own growing! Not that I'm saying I wasn't growing, I was! And my friends, being older than I am, shared their wisdom with me! They guided me!

Coming to India has changed that! It was good to have friends who were mostly younger than me, it reminded me of youthful life! It was fun and it was a good opportunity to explore who Terence really was! I've actually known more about myself now that I've been here! It has been a journey of self discovery!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Countdown Continues - Forgiveness!

Today's liturgy of the word was about God's forgiveness! Forgiveness! Let me put it out straight, whenever I hear the topic of forgiveness, the first thought that comes to my mind is My Father and the next one is I want to hurt my father! I want him to feel the pain I've felt all this while, for not being there for me, but even more for all the promises he's made and never come through! From the birthday gifts promises, to the coming to meet me promises (He did say he'll come to meet me in India too)! Yes, you're all friends of mine, and you probably know about all this! I've termed my relationship with my father as the "Relationship of Broken Promises". There's always a tendency in me to want to say something that'll just break his heart and hurt him! I at least told him once to stop making promises to me, that did help, there's less, actually no promises now! But still, he acts like all is well, and wants to always seem right! He always wants his solutions to be right! He once came to meet mum and I and after so many years, he wanted to just lift us off our feet and go live with him, that too after not asking for forgiveness! (Was he mad?) It is hard to trust and understand his motives sometimes!

He, however, I believe has had some enlightenment! He seems to be more Christian nowadays (I don't know to what extent he was initially)! He speaks wisely, and writes lengthly about various spiritual stuff! (even on facebook)! He's even doing well in his company, something he started (he wants me to work there)! But he has failed terribly to bridge the gap we have (Am I blaming him too much?)! Something that could be done by a simple "I'm sorry" or "Forgive me"! Not a complicated process that he envisions! I'm most sad however, that my grandfather, who totally hates my dad, may go to his grave without forgiving him!

It's not that I don't want to forgive him, I've spoken a lot to my friends and even once to a priest, and even emailed him I believe! They all seem to tell me to forgive him, and thought I've tried, and actually told myself a couple of times that I've forgiven him! I've never really done! The priest however, a very close friend of mine, Fr. Selvam, a salesian, told me to take my time! He told me to reflect and take some time to forgive him, because forgiveness is a process! I've taken his advice dearly! I just hope that I'm not taking such a long time!!!!

My apologies if this post is very grim and sad! I've actually come to get used to this! I actually laugh about all this and my favorite song to reflect this has always been (You may wanna check it out, it's funny:)



Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Countdown Continues - A Thought In My Mind

Sometimes I look at myself and say, "Look at that man". And then that little kid in me steps out and calls me my grandfather's favorite nickname for me, "Grown Up Baby"! We smile at each other and life goes on!

Alfred, the Googler is leaving today! Wishing him all the best! May he revolutionize Google! Make us proud boy!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Countdown Countinues: 18 days to go + Blog gets new look! (Today, Meet the man behind the change)

Well, as you've all seen, my blog has a new look! Hope you'll find it nicer! The man behind the change, well you'll know him soon!

But first Some news:

Mum's doing great! Thanks for your prayers! Spoke to her, she thanked you all for your prayers! Greetings to you all!

It is now confirmed, I'm leaving India on the 29 th (or 28 th) of June, depending on what mummy says! so we almost have an official countdown now! 18 (or 17) days to go!

Remember that other story I told you about in the last post! Well, it's about to unveil today! I'll start where I left off! In class, I sat with Alfy in the first bench, to be able to easily communicate with the teachers! A couple of benches back, sat another pair! This pair consisted of Shrayas and Jerry!

Shrayas: The man behind the blog's new look!

Now, in India, whenever a professor asks a question in class, the whole class will start giving answers, no one being actually specific :)! However, there were some questions that the professor would ask and only one guy would answer, that was Shrayas! I admired this guy, but He seemed so stuck up! (He is, to strangers though)! I remember he always attempted to fold his legs and somehow put them on the bench! Unlike most of my other classmates, this was the one guy who never said hello or even smiled!

Well, one day, the professor had to take leave. And he sent us all to the library to read about something! I think it was a sorting algorithm! And I went to the library, sat down, followed the guys around to see if they could help me, but found no one who could! Then I sat down, and near me was this guy, Shrayas, standing there, doing nothing! I assumed, and I soon learnt that my assumption was correct, that he already knew what we were supposed to be reading about! So as we say in Swahili "Kuuliza si ujinga" ~ It's never foolish to ask, I humbled myself and asked Shrayas if he knew exactly what we were supposed to do! He answered yes, and started to explain enthusiastically the entire thing! Which made quite a lot of sense. From then, we became friends! Connected by our thirst to code and know stuff! I've learnt a lot from this guy, in some cases, more than I've learnt from some of my professors! What took my professors one or two full classes to make us understand, he took 5 to 10 minutes to get me up to speed!

Shrayas knows very little people he calls friends, perhaps it's his 'ATTITUDE' issues! Lol! But the friends he has he treasures dearly! He's the kinda guy who can cry if you hurt him! Sometimes, however, he acts too tough but he's just one very emotional kid! He has played the greater role of being the glue of our friendship! Always pushing us to do stuff for each other, you know on birthdays n stuff! Shrayas and Alfy are the guys who I always fought with for the top spot in class! It was never really a competition, it came naturally I guess! We were (are) simply smart! All of us, at least at one point, have had the top spot! I believe Shrayas beat us all ultimately!

Shrayas and I have worked on a number of projects together with Alfred and Jerry! It has always been fun to work together! We've learnt a lot, about each other and about our studies!

Shrayas is going to work / study at SAP - System Analysis and Programming! A German Based Company! The place he's going to work, in Bangalore, is known as the second biggest SAP institution in the world! Gotta say, this guy would fit right in! I wish him all the best!

Oh yeah, as best friends as we are, Shrayas gets my jokes 10 minutes later :P!

Jerry: aka Nithyananda (The Flash Guy):
Jerry or Nithyananda or Jerrence, you choose! Is another one of my best friends! As i slowly knew Shrayas, I also knew Jerry! Jerry is one sweet, creative guy! Jerry's short and wears specs! He has a slightly dark complexition! We call him Nithyananda because of his tendency to always "FLY" and go hang around his girls (One of which he dearly likes)! Plus, most of his friends are girls! Hahaha! Heard of Flash? It's one of Adobe's Multimedia tools, used to make dynamic pages and animations! Well, this guy is a genius! He can do wonders in only a couple of minutes! Jerry has a simple outlook to life! Jerry's funny and kind, and I believe he's one of those guys who can take care of you in case you've any problems or issues! (Atleast he helps the girls ;))

Jerry has been part of our crew! He's always surfing among the top 5 to 7 in class! Recently he has had companies fighting for him (No not girls, companies)! This is because of the flash he knows! I wish him all the best in the new company he's working in! I also wish him all the best in the pursuit of happiness and the girl of his dreams, whom before he even knew it, we knew he had fallen for! Take care buddy, be good!


I thought of sharing nothing for today! But, what the heck:

PUNCTUALITY: If you've to go somewhere, and it's extremely time sensitive, make sure you're ready to leave atleast one hour before the actual timing (if it's near) even earlier if it far! Or you might just end up chasing the train, like I did and almost falling as I jumped on it! But that's another story! I'm late somewhere ;)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Ungerudi mapema, ili mama aweze kurecover mapema - You should come back early, so that mum recovers fast! That's the last message I got from my aunt just before I slept last night! I guess it's time I contact the Airlines people! Do pray for her! I'll keep you posted what happens! Still haven't heard about her test results! Hopefully nothing serious! :)



Today, I'll share with you two other lessons I've learnt! But before that, more about my friends to tell!

As soon as college started, I met a couple of people! These guys would also form the group of people I call my best friends! On my first day of college, I remember meeting the following people, Alfred Jerome, Siva Kumar and Shreth. Although Alfred went on to become one of my closest friends (This guy really understands me), Siva Kumar became rather an acquaintance. Alfred and Siva Kumar were among the guys who walked with me during the Orientation walk around the college!

Alfred Jerome is an INNOCENT LOOKING young man! Note that I stressed on Innocent Looking! With the little experience I have in my short life, I know that this guy isn't bloody innocent. But that Innocent look has got him out of a lot of trouble! LOL! Alfred is bright, creative and he has ways of thinking up situations that I would never have thought of. That I surely appreciate and admire! He's one of the few people who actually gave me trouble in class, one of the few people who competed with me and the other friend (Yet to be mentioned)! The thing with Alfy is that he's always understood me, from the first day! He'd get my jokes, sarcasm and hidden meanings! He has a good heart and he's extremely determined. He can achieve whatever he decides to put his mind into. And guess where he's going to work... GOOGLE! He's leaving tomorrow! All the best dude! I'll miss you! God bless you!

Siva Kumar was rather an acquaintance as mentioned, but he's a funny, annoying guy! He has a way of getting on my nerves, which I slowly learnt to ignore, and I mastered beautifully. He's working for Nokia now, all the best dude!

Mehul Chongtham Shreth! Shreth is a Manipuri friend of mine! Shreth was in the same class with Sam and John, while I was in another class with Alfred and some other friends to be mentioned later! Shreth is funny, humble and cool! Shreth is always there when you need him (like all friends are)! I wish him all the best as he pursues his career!

While me and Alfred sat on the front bench, a couple of benches behind, another friendship was being formed! How this friendship affected my life... Well, that's another story!

Breaking News: Spoke to mum, she's ok! :)

Now back to the lessons!

The first lesson: Now, I'm a lazy guy! And this has taught me one thing! NEVER LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES ON THE LINE LONGER THAN NECESSARY! Lol! :)! Well, there's a lot that can happen! It may rain, some other person might move them and drop them, or crows can do what they do best, aim and pupu on the clothes :)! So take em off as soon as they're dry!

The second lesson: I've given it the acronym AMAID, that is Always Make An Informed Decision! To most of you, this might actually sound weird, perhaps you've always made informed decisions! My decisions, I believe, have been led by emotions and maybe my nature to never be informed. I thank my mother, for always letting me make my decisions, freely and independent, for never pressuring me, and for respecting, always my choices! As I've graduated, my life has to take a course, a course that I'll have to decide upon pretty soon! I'm getting informed now!!! :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well, before I start with today's entry, let me share with you some information! My results came out yesterday. I've passed very well. Got a first class, with distinction! I'm proud of myself, though not that much excited by the whole deal! ;-) .

My mum's still not very well! They've discharged her from the hospital, but she still has to go for tests on Monday, and she has to attend clinic for the next month, or is it next month, it wasn't very clear to me! I've this feeling I'm not being told everything! Do pray for her well being!

Before I start sharing the lesson I've learnt, today I'd like to honor a few people I met earlier! These are the first few, of many, Indian friends I made. My seniors (From TZ), had made a lot of friends, so as college was reopening, they began coming back to the hostel, and came to meet us. I did meet a loooooooot of people, however, I shall mention a few, who came out to be my best friends later. The list consists of Alfred Sundarraj, Steve Salvius and Niren Yadav! There are many others!

Alfred, this humble, funny, kind soul is one heck of a guy! I've been amazed with his generosity and humility! There's a lot I've been through with him, his support has been immense and much appreciated! He's the best person to make you feel at home among a group of strangers and a good singer too! I wish the best in him as he aims higher in life, may God bless him abundantly

Steve is one of the most creative, funny and great musicians I've met. Steve's also kind and very giving and dedicated to whatever he puts his mind to. Currently working at UBS (or is it USB ... lol) and doing great! I've not managed to spend time with Steve this year, as he graduated last year! I and the choir have surely missed his presence and sense of humor! Hope to see him one more time before I leave! God bless him!

Niren, the young one had an amazing sense of humor too, great at making and organizing plans, great MC too! I surely admit, I've missed all the planning he used to make for various events and food outings! He's currently in Mumbai, pursuing his studies and I believe working as an intern! Wishing him all the best in life and career, may God bless him!

The lesson I'd like to share with you today, isn't really something new, but rather something that's been said before! Once you experience it, it is registered! The lesson is, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! Yes, our forefathers were right in saying this! Not telling or not living the truth will lead to a life of anxiety and fear! It'll lead us to hating people and being angry at them for no reason! Personal experience has led me to understand that the truth is a very powerful tool! If you're broke, say you're broke! If you're not comfortable with someone or something, say that you're not! If you can't make it for something, tell it! If you cannot promise, then don't! And if you love someone, tell them (Mh!!!)! The list goes on and on! But basically, these encompass the most situations I've faced!

As I said, the truth is a powerful tool! It may, however, not always work as we expected it to work! But all in all, I still believe it's for the best! I mean, although they said truth will set you free, our forefathers were also careful to warn us in advance, THE TRUTH HURTS! May I correct them a bit and say, THE TRUTH MAY HURT :)! It may hurt the truther or the truthee or both the truther and the truthee! It may strengthen friendships, or it may weaken them! It may win her/his heart, or it may push it away (ouch)! It may bring us glory and trust, but it may also make us look like cowards! But ultimately, we're free! We don't hold grudges, we are no longer anxious! We are at peace! We just have to hope, therefore, that others will realize our truth and respect us for telling it! In most cases they do, and that's what is great about THE TRUTH!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Well, to start of, let me explain the reason for these series of entries! I decided that on each day (yeah, I've fallen behind lately), I'll have an entry, explaining an experience, a lesson i learnt throughout my stay in India. Aim is to be done with everything by the time I leave (hope I do)

Well, today, I shall dedicate this entry to Sam, John and Zaka. These guys are among the best friends I've had. The reason I'm dedicating this to them is because they have recently left and gone back home. Sam and John, to Zambia, left yesterday, Zaka, to Tanzania left the day before yesterday!

With these brothers I've shared some of the funniest, challenging and interesting moments. These guys have made me laugh the most. From Zaka's problems with his memory, to Tole's crazy imaginations, to John's philosophical phrases... To a lot! The support these guys have given me is immense and their friendship I shall forever cherish!

Perhaps a lot more meaningful, was the fact that these were the first really people I had to live with like they were my siblings. Being an only child, I had to learn a lot, from sharing my things to tolerating other people's way of life! They've contributed to my growing up!!!

Finally, My entry has reminded me of another countdown. This countdown was initiated by John on one of our chats well before college had begun for us, first year. This countdown had 1095 days (365 * 3), that is, the number of days to finish college. It indicated the anxiety we had, and the impatience that made us want to go home! Well, I'm glad to say that the countdown has long been forgotten. With time we got accustomed to this place, we got friends, and the days just swift by!

All the best bros!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The beginning of June marked, to me, the beginning of a countdown. A countdown to the day I leave India and go back home. I've yet to decide on a particular date, though 26th of June seems to be the probable day! All that I'll know by today! The decision is ultimately up to me! No longer than 30th June though!

June brought with it it's own changes. For instance, I had to move early in the morning yesterday from the Hostel where I've stayed almost my entire college life to Ndaki's place, a little nearer to the airport :) ! The move, though to a more comfortable place, was nevertheless extremely emotional. I had that feeling you get when you're about to cry! I had it, I had it for a looooooooooong time!

What a contrast, however, to the feeling I had when I first arrived to India. When I first got to India, my first instinct was how and when can I go back home??? IT WAS HOT! And the hostel, was well, the hostel. That I ultimately stayed here was a challenge to me. A challenge I've somehow managed to overcome. I was not alone though!

I shall dedicate my endurance to the following people, who's presence made me feel a little at home, and encouraged me. They are Zakaria Moshi, Amonson Asseri, Gabriel Kavishe, later on Samson Peter Mtonga, John Dickson Mtonga, Christopher Rwiza and last but not least Samuel Efrem. They made the first days interesting!